If you have any questions about cooperation, production, delivery, please contact us using any of the contact details below or request a quote online.
Location - Our plant is located next to the Tatabánya Industrial Park, just 3.5 km from the M1 motorway and 60 km from Budapest, at 2 Tavaszmező u., Tatabánya.
Kadosa Dettre,
executive director
Mobil: +36 70 315 63 60
Phone: +36 34 785 453
Fax: +36 34 785 468
Mail: [email protected]
Address: 2800 Tatabánya, Tavaszmező utca 2.
Company registration number: 11-09-014693
Tax number: 14562035-2-11 (HU14562035)
Account number:
- HU: HU36-12028209-01659762-
00100007 - Deviza: HU15-12028209-01659762-